a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/findings & doings:
(i'm posting this early because tomorrow will be a very, very eventful day for me)
1. rain.
it rained for 5 days straight here in southern cali.
we're not used to that!
there were thunderstorms, power outages, and flooding...
(at one point, our street looked like a shallow river)
there was even a 'tornado' watch in the o.c.!

my child sized umbrella (i bought it because i LOVED the print) was insufficient
and the sound of thunder booming had me scuttling around in circles
(seriously, i didn't know what to do. my body was like~ just move!)
but i loved it.
on the first day it rained,
i remembered playing heads up 7up
inside the classroom on a rainy day.
inspired by the idea that being inside could actually equal some fun,
i bought a beautiful, brightly colored puzzle that i can't wait to bust out for the next rainy day:

and after a few days of this rain and excitement, it did sort of wear out its welcome.
pea sized bits of hail pin-balled off the hood of my truck,
water spray dangerously covered my windshield,
the sun would show up and i'd dart out and get some lunch,
but by the time i was done
it was pouring hard again...
i got soaked really hard once, miserable in my wet denim jacket (duh)~
when i made my way to the car,
i noticed the flowers soaking and shivering too:

so i didn't feel so alone in this
and for some strange reason, that made me smile...
and upon reaching the parking lot,
this did too:

it says "salad only" on the door to the gas tank!
great, huh?
things like that are so much fun to discover and laugh about on a gloomy, gray day!
2. my cat hat beenie from college.
at venice beach last week i craved buying one of those 'animal' hats
you know, the one that has a bear or dog or kitty's face and flaps that cover your ears...
there was this leopard one that i really really had my eye on,
but i kept telling myself that it was unnecessary and i didn't have the cash for it anyway
so i sadly hung it back up on the rack and walked away.
that was on saturday.
come monday, it was raining all fierce and i was wishing sooo bad for that furry thing!
i thought about trying the nearest swapmeet looking for something similar,
but i never made it.
thankfully, while rearranging my room this week,
i came across beenie that i've had since my college days, but that i had misplaced...
it made me sooo happy to be reunited with that thing again.
it's white and has little ears
(my 5 year old cousin was like~ "those are bear ears, not cat ears"...
then how do you explain the "meow" written in pink across the forehead part, little one?)
and i adore it.
see here:

sweet, yes?
p.s. this taking a photo in the car thing started out as a joke... but i'm kinda liking it!
3. postcards.
i could barely contain my excitement... i wanted to facebook and tweet and post...
but i wanted to save it for here.
NIDHI! i love love love:

i used to be part of a postcard exchange,
and whenever a friend goes abroad i ask them if they could kindly send a postcard...
(i suppose i live vicariously?)
but i've never gotten one from india before so i got all giddy.
i did a dance infront of the p.o. box when i picked it up.
simple pleasures :)
and at the bookstore, i couldn't resist the charm of these postcards for sale:

the one on the left i am just gaga for (patterns!)
and how could you NOT fall for the one on the right?
(it's a good week for) elephants and bows! eee!
the latter i put on the back cover of my new notebook,
which is, by the way... number 4 for today...
4. new notebook!
i don't have a problem with shopping for shoes.
or jewelry.
or purses (anymore).
i do have a bit of a problem with notebooks, journals and diaries.
i carry them around frequently because i like to jot things down, collage and plan stuff out.
(i'm a list maker!)
i was perfectly fine with my little red one from mitsua, untill i saw this one at borders:

of course i had to personalize it (and i'm not done with that just yet)
but even before putting my unique stamp on it,
i was swooning over~
the colors!
the retro!
oh my!
5. pad thai.
i've eaten it twice this week.
i mean~ i've had good sushi this week too, but it's all about pad thai.
it's my favorite food (well, veggie pad thai done right).
i gobbled some at pick up stix.
i've never eaten there before, but i'll come back for the pad thai.
warm and with lemon.

and that sums it up!
have a great week, and enjoy the rest of you weekend, kids.
ch-ch-changes soon~