Sunday, January 31, 2010

sunday summarie v5

a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/findings & doings:i had a weird/transitional week, so bear with me through this...
i got to see avenue q yesterday at the cerritos performing arts center... it was a totally blast! :)
it was bust-a-gut-laughing type of humor from beginning to end!
thank you shirley for putting the whole thing together! <3

2. loralei's birthday celebration/ jlounge
i haven't hit the bars/clubs in quite sometime
(cos i'm totally awkward
and it's crazy hard hard to park the truck in LA anyway)
but this was artist/stylist/activist/superwoman loralei's celebration!
...there was no way i was going to miss this!

jlounge was a beautiful spot with great atmosphere,
it was the first time i've been...
crowd was different then the ones i'm use to...
everywhere i looked girls had overly done eye make-up and not much else on.

hiding a black eye?
or overcompensating with the eye make-up for....

not sure why that bothered me so much,
but it did!

lack of originality bugs me.

i digress!

i did enjoy myself (it was sooo nice to be out)
and the company i had:

excited to see some of these folks again next week!

3. heels.
i wore heels.
i don't even like to wear shoes, but i wore heels this week
(and survived)
so hell yeah!

sooo unlike me, it's #3

4. chinatown
i got to spend some time in chinatown last friday~
when i got there they were filming a scene for ncis los angeles.

they set up a fake farmers market
and the extras were all walking all about...
pretty cool to see directors chairs and cameramen

i watched everything while i ate at via cafe.

sweet afternoon.

i hit up retro row (4th street, long beach) for inspiration
and (mainly) schtuff for my room/studio (more on that tomorrow)

i didn't really end up with much
(arugh! the vintage stuff i wanted was STILL too pricey)
but i love that area just the same anyway:

sure, sure.


Thursday, January 28, 2010



meet my little bunny, casey:

totally sweet, right? 

kinda reminds me of frank kozik's labbits...
especially the one with the mustache! 

i love how are infiltrates all aspects of my life!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

third day, third heart

yesterday, i received a little note from a dear friend who i rarely ever see,
but who has inspired me so much with her passion, drive and positivity.
the card must have been mailed a few weeks or so ago,
but it made it into my hands just yesterday...
with perfect timing!
here is my  3rd heart (see post below if you're confused),
and it made me so happy :)

thank you, christina zabat-fran!


my word of the year is make~
and in the past few days i've made a few things:
-a mobile for my studio
-the start of an inspiration board
-collage wall decor 
-an itty bitty floral arrangement thing:

(yes, follow your bliss)

i'm definitely going to have to share more...
but i just wanted to post something
because i'm sooo excited to be able to create and make again! 

Monday, January 25, 2010


this is such an incredible, emotional time for me right now~
i wanted to post today to
thank you for all the love and support. 
i've found that during the times i needed extra reassurance,
the universe, or God, or whomever you'd like to address
HAS provided. 
all the way down to the smallest of things,
like sweet little messages to keep me going:
yesterday,  instead of crying into my bowl of miso soup,
i looked down and found a heart-shaped bit of green onion,
floating in my spoon~
it was so ridiculous and it caught me off guard that i couldn't help but laugh it off.
i instantly felt better. 
the bowl of warm soup made me feel better, too. 

and today,
i was going back and forth in my mind,
replaying scenes and possible scenarios,
wrestling, and having a really hard time...
i decide to pick up some lunch,
and on the way there, this is what i find:

 exactly what i needed at the time.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

sunday summarie v4

a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/findings & doings:

(i'm posting this early because tomorrow will be a very, very eventful day for me)

1. rain.
it rained for 5 days straight here in southern cali.
we're not used to that!
there were thunderstorms, power outages, and flooding...
(at one point, our street looked like a shallow river)
there was even a 'tornado' watch in the o.c.!

my child sized umbrella (i bought it because i LOVED the print) was insufficient
and the sound of thunder booming had me scuttling around in circles
(seriously, i didn't know what to do. my body was like~ just move!)
but i loved it.

on the first day it rained,
i remembered playing heads up 7up
inside the classroom on a rainy day.
inspired by the idea that being inside could actually equal some fun,
i bought a beautiful, brightly colored puzzle that i can't wait to bust out for the next rainy day:

and after a few days of this rain and excitement, it did sort of wear out its welcome.
pea sized bits of hail pin-balled off the hood of my truck,
water spray dangerously covered my windshield,
the sun would show up and i'd dart out and get some lunch,
but by the time i was done
it was pouring hard again...

i got soaked really hard once, miserable in my wet denim jacket (duh)~
when i made my way to the car,
i noticed the flowers soaking and shivering too:

so i didn't feel so alone in this
and for some strange reason, that made me smile...
and upon reaching the parking lot,
this did too:

it says "salad only" on the door to the gas tank!
great, huh?

things like that are so much fun to discover and laugh about on a gloomy, gray day!

2. my cat hat beenie from college.
at venice beach last week i craved buying one of those 'animal' hats
you know, the one that has a bear or dog or kitty's face and flaps that cover your ears...
there was this leopard one that i really really had my eye on,
but i kept telling myself that it was unnecessary and i didn't have the cash for it anyway
so i sadly hung it back up on the rack and walked away.

that was on saturday.
come monday, it was raining all fierce and i was wishing sooo bad for that furry thing!
i thought about trying the nearest swapmeet looking for something similar,
but i never made it.

thankfully, while rearranging my room this week,
i came across beenie that i've had since my college days, but that i had misplaced...
it made me sooo happy to be reunited with that thing again.
it's white and has little ears
(my 5 year old cousin was like~ "those are bear ears, not cat ears"...
then how do you explain the "meow" written in pink across the forehead part, little one?)
and i adore it.

see here:

sweet, yes?

p.s. this taking a photo in the car thing started out as a joke... but i'm kinda liking it!

3. postcards.
i could barely contain my excitement... i wanted to facebook and tweet and post...
but i wanted to save it for here.
THANK YOU NIDHI! i love love love:

i used to be part of a postcard exchange,
and whenever a friend goes abroad i ask them if they could kindly send a postcard...
(i suppose i live vicariously?)
but i've never gotten one from india before so i got all giddy.
i did a dance infront of the p.o. box when i picked it up.
simple pleasures :)

and at the bookstore, i couldn't resist the charm of these postcards for sale:

the one on the left i am just gaga for (patterns!)
and how could you NOT fall for the one on the right?
(it's a good week for) elephants and bows! eee!

the latter i put on the back cover of my new notebook,
which is, by the way... number 4 for today...

4. new notebook!
i don't have a problem with shopping for shoes.
or jewelry.
or purses (anymore).
i do have a bit of a problem with notebooks, journals and diaries.
i carry them around frequently because i like to jot things down, collage and plan stuff out.
(i'm a list maker!)
i was perfectly fine with my little red one from mitsua, untill i saw this one at borders:

of course i had to personalize it (and i'm not done with that just yet)
but even before putting my unique stamp on it,
i was swooning over~
the colors!
the retro!

oh my!


5. pad thai.
i've eaten it twice this week.
i mean~ i've had good sushi this week too, but it's all about pad thai.
it's my favorite food (well, veggie pad thai done right).
i gobbled some at pick up stix.
i've never eaten there before, but i'll come back for the pad thai.
warm and with lemon.

and that sums it up!

have a great week, and enjoy the rest of you weekend, kids.

ch-ch-changes soon~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

through the viewfinder

faking the ttv look
with photoshop


Sunday, January 17, 2010

how we do

ever wonder what goes on during a photo shoot?
here are some outtakes from the latest bella maven one:

(models own)

(and hello kitty stickers for good measure)

molly getting her hair did :)

putting together/ laying out various outfits

styling inbetween takes

the bella maven mascot of the day

testing the lighting

composing the shots
(practicing to get it just right)

jamming out, telling jokes & stories...
learning more about our fabulous model, molly

molly and me.
i'm a slob!
(how~ and when did that happen?!
all i know is that i taught a chaotic sunday school class this morning
and i'm wearing my boyfriends shirt...
note to self: make more of an effort!)

hugs and thank yous!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

sunday summarie v3

a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/findings & doings:

1. photoLA 2010
this year's event was much smaller then the photoLA's of the past,
but it was still a great gathering and turnout.
plenty of photos to salivate over:

i snapped some photos with my cameraphone...
they're not the greatest, but my blackberry is definitely a good stand-by.
thats me in the pic :)

2. a saturday out:
in addition to photoLA, we were able to hit up
the sidewalk cafe in venice beach, the santa monica airport,
and the santiago street lofts artwalk in santa ana.
(this was a rare opportunity, since nick usually works on the weekends)

3. the sky
i've been taking plenty of walks lately, and have started to notice things like
the trees, leaves and the sky.

i'll notice how they'll shift or change
after my next lap, or day after day

4. food.
food is always good.
this week started off with an iced horchata expresso and chocolate croissant
from cafe de leche in highland park

but my best meal came home cooked from my sisters kitchen,
salmon and cous cous! Mmmm

5. photo shoots!
i took a short hiatus from doing photo shoots
(read: recovery from my head and hand's photography project)
but now i'm back and loving every minute of it.
i'm not exactly in full-force just yet, but i'm getting there~
with the help of my super amazing model/friends:




and this ends summarie v3...
see you next sunday
(but hopefully before then)

take care,
see you next sunday

Thursday, January 14, 2010

back in the swing of things

feels good to be doing photoshoots again!

here's a preview of the beautiful miss abby, for bella maven: