inspirations/findings & doings:
1. photoLA 2010
this year's event was much smaller then the photoLA's of the past,
but it was still a great gathering and turnout.
plenty of photos to salivate over:

i snapped some photos with my cameraphone...
they're not the greatest, but my blackberry is definitely a good stand-by.
thats me in the pic :)

2. a saturday out:
in addition to photoLA, we were able to hit up
the sidewalk cafe in venice beach, the santa monica airport,
and the santiago street lofts artwalk in santa ana.
(this was a rare opportunity, since nick usually works on the weekends)

3. the sky
i've been taking plenty of walks lately, and have started to notice things like
the trees, leaves and the sky.

i'll notice how they'll shift or change
after my next lap, or day after day
4. food.
food is always good.
this week started off with an iced horchata expresso and chocolate croissant
from cafe de leche in highland park

but my best meal came home cooked from my sisters kitchen,
salmon and cous cous! Mmmm

5. photo shoots!
i took a short hiatus from doing photo shoots
(read: recovery from my head and hand's photography project)
but now i'm back and loving every minute of it.
i'm not exactly in full-force just yet, but i'm getting there~
with the help of my super amazing model/friends:



and this ends summarie v3...
see you next sunday
(but hopefully before then)
take care,
see you next sunday
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