not sleeping very well,
feeling out of whack,
getting confused on dates...
i feel sorta like this picture i took of myself last sunday:

(by the way, i took the photo with my blackberry, it's shot from the rearview mirror, so the photo got my phone, my reflection, and my face it the mirror... pretty cool, huh? the composition was there, totally unaltered. i just played with the colors and brightness with a photo editing software)
and yesterday, i had a girls day with shirley,
getting manicures, doing lunch, and grabbing ice cream...
but with all sorts of psychedelic coloring:

no drugs though, i assure you.
i've never been into that.
just feeling very...
i don't know.
just a ton on things.
not matching, not exactly fitting.
last night, frustrated with this, i picked up max and picked him as my mascot

he'll help me get through this little funk, yes?
karen o and the kids playing on the ipod now...
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