Tuesday, March 23, 2010

admit it monday

according to kate swoboda,
courage is: feeling fear, doing it anyway, and transforming.

i, um, lack courage.

i admit that i'm still at the FEELING FEAR stage.
sure, i've accomplished some things...
but even thinking about embarking on my BIG DREAMS,
i start trembling.

which is why, i'm interested in: DOING IT ANYWAY.
(as in doing, and not so much thinking)

so, i signed up for a 10 week e-course
(i mean, i've done the artist way,
with results... but more than just an individual project,
i'd like to connect with a community, albeit online,
and have the support of similar goal-oriented people.
i think that'll be good for me)

my hopes in signing up for this is that,
at the end of the 10 week duration,
i will have been able to integrate positive changes, by taking small steps
in certain 'focus' areas in my life.

It's a course that integrates real, practical and daily tools while it also acknowledges magical possibility, fun, and PLAY


i start next monday.

p.s. yeah, i know. my posting's a day late.
y'all still love me though :)

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