a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/ findings & doings:
1. the kiddos.
easter came early for the sunday school class that i co-teach.
preparation for the celebration was h-e-c-t-i-c,
but it was awesome to see the kids have fun and smile with gusto.

2. firsts.
not terribly exciting, but i ventured out to a few places i've never been before~
monterey park, east LA, the trails cafe in griffith park.
since these places were new to me,
i responded with childlike wonder... oohing and ahhin
and taking mental notes of where i'd like to stop the next time i roll through.
i guess part of it is al
so because i was by my lonesome,
when i'm used to having someone with me to get here and there.
not exactly sure why i've been so without a companion lately,
but pretty sure the universe is telling me
'you CAN make it on your own'
3. casey hopscotch.
my playboy's growing up fast!
this week i spent plenty of time
hanging, playing, and deciphering my bunny's actions.
i've been hitting up rabbit web sites and youtube trying to figure out how to be a good pet parent.

4. baby jasmine.
i held my Goddaughter for the first time
(she's almost 5months)
and it was an amazing feeling to hold onto a brand new life.
she wiggled and cuddled, swatted and teeter-tottered,
all at once strong and fragile.
she lives about 25miles away,
but i still do hope that i'll be visiting her...
and often.
i want to be there to bond and giggle,
and i want to actually have a relationship with her,
and not be a deadbeat Godparent.
it's weird, but thats one of my fears!

5. reconnecting.
this weekend i was able to reconnect with a small group of friends from college
it's been about 5-7 years since we've been 'out'
it was such a pleasure to catch up a little bit
and relive each others company...

i was elated cos it was sooo nice to be in a 'creative' circle again
not that i'm not normally around really awesome, creative people,
because i am :),
but this was like, specific.
our background is in design, animation and gaming.
it's like being creative from a technological standpoint.
i mean, i don't think i 'fit' that profile,
but i was definitely influenced during my college years.
it was cool, cos while waiting for the other half of the group,
i got a mini lesson on photography, and quick run through about photo-retouching...
definitely appreciated!
the bad ass talent crew:
Thank you for sharing it. It seems a good blog, I like the most.