a quick list of 5 things to summarize this weeks
inspirations/ findings & doings:
1. spring/blossoms.
springtime is finally here and to celebrate,
we've got these lovely, delicate blossoms at at table.
the blossoms bloom so elegantly against the branches!
i love how its so simple, yet so beautiful.

2. photo flow/inspiration.
i've had a bit of a dry spell in terms of my photography until just recently.
over the course of this week, ideas and images started to flow...
it feels wonderful to be on that creative current again :)
i found myself opening up to the outdoors and colors again,
and also to muted tones and gray.
things could be out of focus and ordinary...
and where before i would've had a fit, i'm finding that those things are just fine.

inspiration also hit after watching POPaganda the art and crimes of RON ENGLIGH

culture jamming- i love it!
just so many ideas and interests and philosophies to explore!
3. quater bloom's the okie doke 3

the've got this amazing circle of talented artists and musicians,
some of whom happen to also be old co-workers/ friends of mine.
for the most part, i'm an old fart who prefers to stay home,
do things during the daytime rather than party at night,
but somehow i had the energy to attend the okie doke
(i missed out on the previous ones)
good times!
it was nice seeing folks i don't get to see often:

and hang out and get down with anne! :)

what was rad, too, was 'knowing people' who 'knew people'
and the perks of getting into another event, free and discounted drinks :)
across the plaza, at grand star ,
i saw that bartender lady who served me drinks when i used to hang there years ago...

seeing familiar faces :)
4. michelle and mike's photo shoot.
it took a little longer than expected, and i ended up getting sunburnt,
but it was sooo much fun!
i didn't realize exactly how much i missed them
(they're no. cali-ans, just here for a visit)
until we got to hang, talk and pal around on the shoot.
wahhh! i miss/ed them so!
but how awesome is it to look through the viewfinder
and watch the romance of your close friend and her fiance unfold?
how that camera catches the lightheartedness in their hearts,
the sparkles in their eyes,
the hope as they hold hands.
i wanted to cry (tears of joy!)
but hid it really well (haha)
i'm sooo happy that they found each other.
i'm lucky that they let me chase them around, take photos and experience that.

i'm so happy for you michelle!

5. relaxation!
burke williams cranial-sacral 80 min massage.
i felt like i was floating!

recharge for the new week~
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